Fresh Market Overview

Cafe 160 is a small business located in Decatur, GA. Open for breakfast and lunch, they are offering the best coffee and basic food like a breakfast sandwich, soups, salads, and of course one hot meal a day.

Due to the pandemic, they lost many of their clients, so the approach was to build a website reflecting their brand identity while offering a menu preview of daily available options and an easy payment process. For now, they don’t have a delivery option available, but store pickup is available.




User flow
Customer Journey Map
low-fi Wireframes
High-fi Mockups


I conducted a total of 6 interviews in order to collect firsthand personal experiences related with meal ordering process to understand and empathize with Cafe 160 users and potential clients. Here are some of the questions:

  1. Can you describe your current schedule and how you balance your responsibilities with meal planning?
  2. How often do you take-out meals from a restaurant? When you do, what is your motivation for doing so? 
  3. What challenges do you face in the ordering process? How does this make you feel?
  4. Is there any way in which you feel these challenges could be resolved?
  5. Do you normally get all the information you need for ordering? If not, what are the challenges?



Using the results of the interview, I created two personas that embody the traits of the user group.



Doing helped me to quickly gain insights into the needs of the users and gave me a deep insight of the environment and workflows. Keeping that in mind, I defined the primary pathways our personas would explore through the website.




  potential improvements for the next phase

  • Login/Signup/Order as guest
  • Customer dashboard
  • Reorder option
  •  Delivery option
